Fabulously Affordable Mother’s Day Gifts Your Mom Will Love!

If you’re on the hunt for fabulously affordable Mother’s Day gifts that’s as fabulous as your mom, yet won’t break the bank? Look no further! Here at CupofMood, I’ve curated a collection of cups, mugs, and glasses that are not only affordable but also personalized to fit your mom’s taste and style. Because when it […]

The Surprising Reasons You Should Love To Fart!

Who Loves To Fart? You know who loves to fart? Babies! And unlike us adults, they typically have no qualms about letting one rip. And while you may not admit, you like to fart, I’m going to give you some reasons you should. So, let’s go with reason number one. Farting As A Natural Stress […]

Mind Blowing Elephant Facts You Won’t Believe!

Mind Blowing Elephant Facts, Huh? These mind blowing elephant facts are courtesy of the latest CupofMood Cup Drop! It started on my CupofMood TikTok Live last Saturday. I was showing some of the cups I was planning to add to the shop this week. One of the people in the community asked if I had […]

This Is The Real Reason Bloody Marys Are Popular For Brunch!

Ah, January 1st, of course it means New Years Eve has come and gone. Which also means you may be in the mood for one since Bloody Marys are popular as a brunch drink. But why are Bloody Marys popular as brunch drinks. Here’s the scoop. Happy New Year! In fact today, January 1st is […]

The Special Letter To Santa Sure To Make Your Day!

Now I know the title is The Special Letter to Santa Sure To Make Your Day. I have a confession to make. I couldn’t choose just one. So, the truth is, these are all pretty special letters to Santa. And why not? ‘Tis the season to be jolly, and what better way to spread the […]

The Exclusive Gift Guide For Your Favorite Naughty Girl!

Welcome to the most Exclusive Christmas Gift Guide of the year! I’m diving into a world where festive meets cheeky with the Naughty Girl Collection of Wine Glasses. In fact, this blog is your passport to a celebration like no other! Filled with humor, charm, and, of course, the perfect sips of sophistication. The Exclusive […]

The Ultimate Guide To Seeing The Best Fall Foliage!

If seeing the best fall foliage is on your Fall Bucket List, this post is for you. While, admittely, it’s a little late, I’ll say better late than never. I absolutely love how nature unveils its most captivating display of colors. It’s honestly one of the few things I miss about living up North. I […]

Just Arrived The Job Themed Mugs Sure To Make Your Day!

It’s Only A Job, Job Themed Mugs The job themed mugs in this post are part of my It’s Only A Job Collection of porcelain coffee cups and mugs. I am so happy to launch this collection. Part of the reason is because I lost the collection of It’s Only a Job, job themed mugs […]

The Exclusive John Wayne Collection You Don’t Want To Miss!

You won’t believe how excited I am to be able to share this Exclusive John Wayne Collection with all of you. I can hardly believe I was able to acquire enough John Wayne cups to make a collection. Not to mention, I only found two of these together. The others I found separately over the […]

The Sensational Under The Sea Cup Collection You Need To See!

I Have An Confession… So, here’s my confession. While I actually released my new Under The Sea Cup Collection last month, I’m quite a bit tardy on posting the blog about it. But you know how the saying, goes, better late than never. So I present to you the Under The Sea Collection Cup Drop […]

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