Easy Water Drinking Hacks Sure To Blow Your Mind!

Easy Water Drinking Hacks I Needed This is My Year of Living Magically so I’m focused on the things I’m embracing. One of those things is drinking more water. So, easy water drinking hacks was just what I needed this year. I Wrote A Blog About It I figured if I was in search of […]

The Powerful Jim Carrey Quotes You Need To Hear!

CupofMood Moment Sharing these powerful Jim Carrey quotes is meeting one of my goals in My Year of Living Magically. That goal is to get back to the basics of where CupofMood started. For those of you who don’t know the origin story of CupofMood, you can check out the About Me Section here on […]

The Truth About What’s Lurking In White Sand Beaches!

Christmas In Cancun A white sand beach Christmas has been on my Christmas list ever since our family Christmas in Cancun in 2017. On that trip, I decided I wanted every Christmas to be on a white sandy beach. Dreaming of A White Sand Beach Christmas Now, fast forward to this Christmas when we decided […]

Letters To Santa Sure To Make You Smile!

These adorable letters to Santa are sure to make you smile. They remind me of so many of the happy memories we had when our children were younger. I always encouraged our children to believe in Santa. Writing letters to Santa was all part of the process. I definitely wish I kept their letters to […]

How To Have Your Best Morning Ever!

Monday, Again? I know what you’re thinking. How can I have my Best Morning Ever on a Monday?! Well, yes, it’s true. It’s Monday again but it doesn’t have to be bad. Believe it or not, there are only 2 more Mondays left in 2022. That means we need to start thinking and planning for […]

The Quirky Gifts Your Coworkers Will Love!

An Awesome Coworker Gift Guide Finding quirky gifts coworkers love just got a little easier! It’s the holidays. It’s Secret Santa time, it’s office holiday party time. So, you may be looking for the perfect gift for your coworker. You don’t want to spend too much money but you also want a nice gift to […]

The Tempting Gifts Every Cat Lover Secretly Wants Now!

Tempting Gifts I’ll let you in on a little secret. There are tempting gifts every cat lover secretly wants now. However, they may not know how to tell you. But, don’t worry, I’ve got your Cat Lovers #cupofmood. I’ve assembled a Cat Lover’s Gift Guide for all of those tempting gifts every cat lover really […]

The Sure Fire Way To Find The Perfect Gift!

It’s That Time Of Year! Time to find the perfect gift for all of the special people in your life! Well, I’ve got you covered. Here’s my first Gift Guide of the Season. It features collections based on interests. So, let’s check it out! Morning Inspiration Are you trying to find the perfect gift for […]

Awesome Gift Ideas For Your Favorite Fashionista

Winter Fashion Are you looking for awesome Fashionista gift ideas? Bonus points if the gift ideas are affordable? Look no more, I’ve got your #cupofmood! When it comes to winter fashion, layers are an important component. Just like the fashionable women in the Rongrong Stylish Winter Latte Mug pictured above. Layers to add are a […]

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