3 Surprisingly Simple ideas for a fun Galentine’s Day

Fun Galentine’s Day Ideas

Gather your girls for a fun Galentine’s Day

Need Fun Galentine’s Day ideas? Look no further! I have three surprisingly simple ways to have a fun Galentine’s Day. So gather your girls and try one of these easy ideas.

Have A Fun Galentine’s Day Beer Bash

Have a fun Galentine’s Day beer bash

For girls who love beer, enjoying a fun Galentine’s Day beer bash could be a lot of fun. Especially if your gal pals prefer beer.

Make it an even better and more fun Galentine’s Day by sampling different beers made by women. Not sure where to start? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.

Check out this blog that lists 10 Of The Best Beer Brews by Women.

And of course, you want to make sure to keep it cute by drinking the beer out of cute beer mugs and glasses. The one above is perfect.

Or make it a little more low key and drink your beer out of a coffee mug like the one above .

Have A Mixology Party

Play bartender for a fun evening with your girls. Gather your girls for an evening of making festive cocktails and a lot of fun!

Don’t know where to start? Don’t worry, the extra special glass above has all the recipes you need.

Have A Wine Swap

Have a wine swap with some of your gal pals for a fun Galentine’s Day

Pull together some snacks and grab your favorite bottle of wine for a wine swap with your girls! Ask each guest to bring her favorite bottle of wine, then spend the evening sipping on your friends’ favorites and chatting.

Of course you’ll want the perfect wine glasses to make the experience perfect. The glasses in this collection are just right. Just check out some of the ones below.

More Ideas Coming

Stay tuned for more fun Galentine’s Day ideas

I hope you enjoyed these ideas. I’ve got a few more ideas my sleeve so stay tuned.

Until next time,



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