There are a few surprising benefits of watching a sunrise

As a morning person, one who is often up hours before the sun rises, I was happy to learn there are surprising benefits of watching a sunrise.

To me, there’s something profoundly enchanting about witnessing the birth of a new day. While I am most definitely a fan of taking it easy. Especially, now that I’m retired.

In fact, as a recovering Type A personality, it was one reason, I created the Easy Like Sunday Morning Collection. In a way, to help remind and encourage myself about the benefits of taking it easy. Staying snuggled in bed, cozy under the covers is very necessary sometimes.

Unfortunately for me, I’m not one of those people who do a good job of taking it easy. So, I happy to learn there are undeniable and somewhat surprising benefits of watching a sunrise.

They’re significant enough to make you consider dragging yourself out of bed to greet the sunrise. So, as we sip from our CupofMood’s Sunshine Collection, let’s explore three surprising benefits of watching a beautiful sunrise.

Benefits of Watching A Sunrise On Your Mood

A mood boost is one of the surprising benefits of watching a sunrise

One of the benefits of watching a sunrise that’s not so surprising is the mood boost it provides.

In fact, picture this: you’re nestled in your favorite spot. Clutching a beautiful and inspirational coffee cup mug from the CupofMood Shop Inspired Mood Collection.

While the first rays of dawn begin to paint the sky in hues of pink and gold. It’s hard not to feel a surge of positivity coursing through your veins.

Studies have shown that exposure to natural light, especially during sunrise, can elevate mood and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.

So, next time you’re feeling a bit low, why not start your day with a front-row seat to nature’s masterpiece?

Enhance Your Creativity

There’s a reason why poets, artists, and writers throughout history have drawn inspiration from the sunrise. Watching the world awaken before your eyes can ignite your creativity like nothing else.

Indeed that is another one of the wonderful benefits of watching a sunrise. As you sip from your CupofMood mug, like the Miss Crafty Pants Mug shown above. Indeed, let the tranquility of the sunrise seep into your soul and watch as your imagination comes alive.

Who knows, you might just find yourself penning your next masterpiece as the sun kisses the horizon.

Renewed Perspective Is Another Benefit of Watching A Sunrise

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s all too easy to lose sight of the beauty that surrounds us. But there’s something about watching a sunrise that reminds us of the sheer wonder and magnificence of the world we inhabit.

It’s a humbling experience that puts our problems into perspective and fills us with gratitude for the gift of another day.

So, the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a moment to watch the sunrise and let its beauty wash over you.

Let The Sunshine In!

Starting your day with sunshine with one of the cups in the Sunshine Collection

As you enjoy your morning cuppa from the Sunshine Collection, remember that the simple act of watching a sunrise can bring a plethora of benefits into your life.

And by the way, if you’re normally a morning person anyway, you may be interested in The Sunrise Spinach Club!

What You Need To Know About The Sunrise Spinach Club

As I am fond of saying on my daily Live on TikTok, “what had happened was…” That’s really a whole other blog that’s coming up on my Reclaiming My Spirit blog.

However, long story short, it a group of amazing people in my TikTok community who get up every morning to vibe out, have fun, and overall have a great time!

Benefits of Watching A Sunrise With The Sunrise Spinach Club!

One of my favorite parts of the Sunrise Spinach Club is the Question of The Day. The responses are as thought provoking as they are hilarious sometimes.

There’s never a shortage of fun and laughter for the 55 minutes we’re Live together.

In fact, this wonderful community has actually spawned a whole new CupofMood Collection, called the Sunrise Spinach Club Collection!

Presenting The Sunrise Spinach Club Collection!

From this wonderful community and created by this wonderful community, our logo was born and by request added to merch. There are currently three offerings shown above.

But if you’re anything like me, free sounds awfully good to me!

Want A Free Sunrise Spinach Club Mug?

There are two easy ways you can actually get a free white Sunrise Spinach Club Mug. Let me show you how easy they are.

Subscribe To My TikTok Channel

You can follow me on TikTok to join the Sunrise Spinach Club

If you’re on TikTok and want to be a part of the Sunrise Spinach Club and choose to subscribe, there are some really nice benefits that go along with it.

You can see them spelled out above. But that’s not the only way to get a free white Sunrise Spinach Club Mug.

Join The Club!

You can shower yourself with satisfying sips on your schedule when you join The CupofMood Club! It’s a great way to Treat Yo Self!

Until next time,



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