The Surprising Benefits Of Watching A Sunrise

As a morning person, one who is often up hours before the sun rises, I was happy to learn there are surprising benefits of watching a sunrise. To me, there’s something profoundly enchanting about witnessing the birth of a new day. While I am most definitely a fan of taking it easy. Especially, now that […]

The Surprising Reasons You Should Love To Fart!

Who Loves To Fart? You know who loves to fart? Babies! And unlike us adults, they typically have no qualms about letting one rip. And while you may not admit, you like to fart, I’m going to give you some reasons you should. So, let’s go with reason number one. Farting As A Natural Stress […]

How to Have a Better Sleep for a Happier Morning!

My Monday mood The morning I’d rather have Getting better sleep I think the key is getting better sleep. So, here are some ideas I’m going to try to get better sleep. For more tips on getting better sleep, check out my Reclaiming My Spirit blog How to Get Better Sleep.

3 Super Simple Drink Choices for Better Health

New Year, New You? I’ve always thought that was too big to tackle. I mean, really, a whole new me? Not likely! What is more likely is taking small simple steps to improve your health. Those small steps put with other small steps, to me, is a much more sustainable path to better health. With […]

3 Self Care Tips Sure Make You Feel Fantastic!

Motivated by the Beach These three simple tips were inspired by recent trip to St. Croix. All but one of the pictures are from that trip. May both the words and the images inspire you. Tip #1 Give yourself permission to pause! You know how the saying goes, I don’t know who needs to hear […]

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