The Surprising Benefits Of Watching A Sunrise

As a morning person, one who is often up hours before the sun rises, I was happy to learn there are surprising benefits of watching a sunrise. To me, there’s something profoundly enchanting about witnessing the birth of a new day. While I am most definitely a fan of taking it easy. Especially, now that […]

The Ultimate Guide To Seeing The Best Fall Foliage!

If seeing the best fall foliage is on your Fall Bucket List, this post is for you. While, admittely, it’s a little late, I’ll say better late than never. I absolutely love how nature unveils its most captivating display of colors. It’s honestly one of the few things I miss about living up North. I […]

Plan A Deliciously Wicked Weekend With This Sensational Cup Drop !

Want To Plan A Deliciously Wicked Weekend? It’s Friday night so why not start your deliciously wicked weekend off with a Girls Night? Just grab some of your girls and get a wine and gab fest going! This whimsical Girls Night Wine Glass is the perfect #cupofmood for Girls Night Out! So, gather up your […]

This Is How Sisters Improve The World

Sisters Improve The World? I know what you’re thinking. Ok, Khadeeja, yes, I love my sister. I mean she’s awesome and everything but I’m not sure how having a sister improves the world. Then there are others of you with, shall we say, more challenged relationships with your sisters. You’re probably thinking, girl, please. Having […]

How To Have Your Best Morning Ever!

Monday, Again? I know what you’re thinking. How can I have my Best Morning Ever on a Monday?! Well, yes, it’s true. It’s Monday again but it doesn’t have to be bad. Believe it or not, there are only 2 more Mondays left in 2022. That means we need to start thinking and planning for […]

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