If you’re a sucker for inspiring love stories. Grab your tissues because I’m about to introduce you to not one, but two heartwarming love stories.

Love comes in all forms—romantic, self-love, and the unbreakable bond between soulmates who weather life’s storms together.

Both of these submissions are for the CupofMood What’s Your Love Story Contest . They come from a beloved member of The Sunrise Spinach Club. The one and only Shaky Baker!

Finding Love Within: Shaky Baker’s Journey to Self-Love

Shaky Baker proves the message in this Happy Girls Prettiest Mug

Before we talk about fairytale romance. Let’s talk about the most crucial relationship of all. The one we have with ourselves.

In the first of her two inspiring love stories, Shaky Baker shares her deeply personal journey to self-love. You can hear it below.

Shaky Baker shares one of two of her inspiring love stories on her journey to self love

90s Love, Lifelong Commitment: Shaky Baker & Her Husband’s Love Story

One of Shaky Baker’s inspiring love stories starts in the 90sNostalgic 90s Good Times Mug

Cue the 90s nostalgia! In her second inspiring love story video, Shaky Baker takes us back to where it all began. Meeting her husband as a teenager in the 90s.

Of course, their long term love journey has been filled with highs, lows, and unwavering devotion. Even as they face serious medical challenges together.

You can hear her share her inspiring love story below.

Shaky Baker shares the second of her two inspiring love stories. The Red Balloon Love Mug is part of the CupofMood Valentine’s Day Collection

Celebrating Enduring Love

The Key Lock Couples Mug and the Heart Keyhole Couples Mug can be part of an inspiring love story

Shaky Baker’s love story is the kind of love that withstands the test of time. You can celebrate your own enduring love with the Key Lock Couples Mug—perfect for couples whose hearts are forever linked!

Share Your Own Inspiring Love Story & Win!

Your inspiring love story can help you win the CupofMood What’s Your Love Story Contest

Feeling inspired? Enter the CupofMood What’s Your Love Story Contest for a chance to have your story featured!

Inspired Love and an Inspired Collection

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